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Millennium Message from Clarence1/1/2000 Greetings and best wishes for the new Millennium from Clarence.
WHEN I was at school I undertook a project in which I was asked to imagine what the world would be like in the year 2000 — what style and type of house we would be living in, what type of clothes we would be wearing and so on. Ironically my house predictions were fairly accurate as now most of my adaptations are completed, I have automatic doors and lights, a hi-fi and computer system which come to life at a simple voice command etc. As for clothes, I think the fashion has reverted back to my school days! This year has whizzed by, leaving me at times on the pavement watching life blaze by as I try to accept the fact that I can not do everything a speedily as I once use to. My family have all kept well this year despite my foster mother [Vera] who at 91 years of age still bashes herself by occasionally tripping up at home and colliding with the furniture with the intention of saving the carpet from a few drops of tea. I am keeping fit and well, since February, which saw me go down with a chest infection resulting in two weeks in hospital having my chest jumped upon three times a day by 3 physiotherapists. Some clouds do have silver linings! This ritual would take place normally directly after meal times. At the end of April I returned from America from a highly motivating visit to a clinic in Miami. This trip highlighted areas of my body that showed potential for some recovery, (this being the left arm and the top of the back). Extra physio is developing my back and shoulder muscles and left arm which I can now use to nudge and prod cheeky carers. I am currently planning to return to Miami November-ish 2000 for further treatment and to see if other areas of my body have improved. I have not tried blowing a trumpet recently since having some voice training sessions to strengthen my diaphragm or should I say my intercostal stomach muscles. My job title with the Royal Northern Sinfonia in Newcastle is Education Animateur. This means bringing the music of the orchestra to life in the community. It is proving to be a stimulating job, allowing me to create and lead projects in all the different areas of the community. Privately I still teach at home. Freelance work has included writing the odd snippets of music, sitting on a panel for BBC young musician of the year, reviewing CDs, coaching brass groups, examining, presenting and adjudicating etc. I serve on several Arts Council Committees involving Education and Disabled people in the Arts, which has improved my awareness of other disabilities as well as my own and had me writing reports on the new disabled facilities of the revamped Covent Garden opera house. Emma Forbes who was involved in the accident with me is still fit and well and has moved to Edinburgh to take up a full time post working in the marketing and press department for the Edinburgh International festival. I would like to thank you most sincerely for your support, encouragement and friendship during this past year which has been a great source of inspiration and motivation to me. Have an enjoyable and blessed 2000! Clarence Adoo
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